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Kwi 7


Występuje Blood I Bleed, After the Last Sky oraz 12 wykonawców więcej w Elbdeich e.V. (Moorburger Elbdeich 249, 21079 HH-Moorburg)

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Sobota 7 Kwiecień 2012Sobota 7 Kwiecień 2012


Elbdeich e.V. (Moorburger Elbdeich 249, 21079 HH-Moorburg)
Moorburger Elbdeich 249, Hamburg, 21079, Germany

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Kup bilety


13 bands w/ 15min Sets !

Elbdeich eV., Moorburger Elbdeich 249, 21079 HH, www.elbdeich.org

contact via:
email: draesch@flowerviolence.de

Main Infos:

We start on time!
That means the first band will be on stage at 5 pm / 17:00 h, the last band will have to be finished 12:00 pm/ 24:00 h due to neighbors,
who don't like loud rock music and people can catch one of the last busses into town.

Tickets are 13.- euros
Pre-sale 10.- euros get your tickets via draesch@flowerviolence.de

So if you have a distro and want to sell stuff get in touch with us:

Be aware that Moorburg is a small village, so there is no pizza place or such around in walking distance. You will have to drive to get food elsewhere.
But there will be VoKü at the club!

There's a small parking lot at the venue, and yes, it's a parking lot — no dumping ground. We don't have any interest in cleaning up your waste, which we will have to if there is any, so just take it to the next trash can.

Way to the venue:

by BUS:
nearest stop is "Moorburg, Schule" on route 157
- from train station "Harburg" (S-Bahn) take the bus 157 to "Hohenwisch, Kreuzung"
- from Altona station take bus 250 to "Moorkurg,Kreuzung" and change to route 157 to "Bf. Harburg" or walk 10 min.
check the HVV site: www.hvv.de

by CAR:
from Highway A7, take the exit HH-Moorburg, left, right, right ... here you are!

Występuje (14)

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