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Metalcamp 2012

Występuje Amon Amarth, ArseA oraz 69 wykonawców więcej w Sotočje

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Niedziela 5 Sierpień 2012Sobota 11 Sierpień 2012


Sotočje, Tolmin, 5220, Slovenia

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first bands and ticket-sale starts on 01.09.2011!!

"Metalcamp 2012 will be august 5th-11th with bands playing 6th-10th (monday-friday).
over the years we had massive requests by fans to move the festival into august because of exams and holidays that starts on july 30th. the next thing that we thought to be cool is monday-friday shows so all of you have weekend before and weekend after to come and go home again without asking your boss for extra day off at work.
so there it is!
we'll give a try :)"

further info soon

Występuje (71)

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156 zainteresowanych


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