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Wrz 22

Alpha-ville Festival 2011

Występuje Illum Sphere, Emptyset oraz 7 wykonawców więcej w Various Venues

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Czwartek 22 Wrzesień 2011Niedziela 25 Wrzesień 2011


Various Venues
London, United Kingdom

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Alpha-ville is the London festival exploring the intersection between art, technology and society. We are very excited to announce that the 2011 edition is shaping well and just now early bird tickets are on sale!

The September event will take place across different London venues (mostly in east London, Hackney area) from Thursday 22nd to Sunday 25th September.
This year we are extending the programme during day and night activities.

// Expect 4 days of social media and interactive art, open labs, meet-ups, talks, workshops and screenings alongside with live electronic music, visual performances and parties. We will present a full programme grouped in 4 streams: innovation, live, screening and exchange. //

Visit our website for more news!


Występuje (9)

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40 wybrało się

42 zainteresowane


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