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Lip 9

5th Annual Radiance Arts & Culture Fest

Występuje Dreamosaic, Educated Advocates oraz 4 wykonawców więcej w Lincoln Park

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Sobota 9 Lipiec 2011Sobota 9 Lipiec 2011


Lincoln Park
Portland, Maine, United States

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The 5th Annual Radiance Arts & Culture Fest is a block party-style convergence at Portland's Lincoln Park in the heart of the city. This tree filled oasis has served it's community for 140+ year's and symbolizes a grounding hub in the diverse cultural climate of Maine's biggest city. We hope you can join us to celebrate summer, independence and sustainability.

This year's festival looks to be the most positively expansive yet... Along with an exciting musical line-up & plenty of sun shine filled dance, we plan to offer more activities including yoga demonstrations, family friendly art activities, more food and many more local resources to educate & enliven the mind, body & spirit.

And don't forget to admire the hand-made artistry and crafted goods from Evolve2Advance & friends.

Live art produced throughout the day will be auctioned & hand screen printed works raffled in support of Portland Parks & Recreation Department programs.

The outdoor gathering will run from 12 pm until sunset; admission is free.

Występuje (6)

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