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Sty 7

Southbound 2012

Występuje Aloe Blacc, Alpine oraz 43 wykonawców więcej w Sir Stewart Bovell Park

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Sobota 7 Styczeń 2012Niedziela 8 Styczeń 2012


Sir Stewart Bovell Park
Vasse Highway, Busselton, Western Australia, 6280, Australia

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Earlier this year the Sunset Events team released some exciting Southbound 2012 news, including the return to the two day, two night format and the event dates for the diary – the first full weekend of the year, the 7th and 8th of January. Sunset also advised that some further changes would be on the horizon and here's the next one for you.

After seven successful years, Southbound has grown up, matured and graduated. Sunset are happy to announce that Southbound 2012 will be an 18+ licensed event. This means that there will be no cages, giving punters the freedom to roam the main festival site and go from stage to stage without passing through any security checkpoints.

Występuje (45)

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68 wybrało się

32 zainteresowane


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