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Lip 8

Northern Lights Festival Boréal

Występuje The Weakerthans, Broken Social Scene oraz 9 wykonawców więcej w Northern Lights Festival Boréal

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Piątek 8 Lipiec 2011Niedziela 10 Lipiec 2011


Northern Lights Festival Boréal
Sudbury, Canada

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The Northern Lights Festival Boreal in Sudbury, Ontario is celebrating its 40th anniversary in the newly renovated Bell Park. Taking place on a summery weekend in July, this festival provides fun for all ages. However, NLFB is known for its fantastic live acts, and this year it is no different. With headliners Broken Social Scene and The Weakerthans, the 40th anniversary is sure to be one of the greatest in the history of the festival.

Występuje (11)

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10 wybrało się

1 zainteresowana


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