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Cze 22

Hurricane Festival 2012

Występuje Adept, All Mankind oraz 95 wykonawców więcej w Eichenring

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Piątek 22 Czerwiec 2012Niedziela 24 Czerwiec 2012


Eichenring, Scheeßel, 27383, Germany

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The Hurricane Festival

Hurricane is a rock festival which takes place annually since 1997. The festival ground is near Scheeßel on a motorcycle speedway

The Hurricane Festival means three days of music on two separate stages. Bungy-jump, Basaar, international food, games and a party tent on the camping ground.

The camping grounds are close to the festival ground, which closes during the night. Breakfast stands are at the camping grounds. The distance between train station, camping ground and festival ground are quite short - about one two kilometers.

You can reach cash counters and drugstores by foot in Scheeßel.

Camping grounds and parking lots are separated, you cannot park your car next to your tent. If you travel with a campingmobile or motorcycle, you will be guided to separate camping grounds.

Występuje (97)

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550 zainteresowanych


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