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Lip 9

Rhythms of the World

Występuje Blonde Louis, Aghast! oraz 69 wykonawców więcej w Hitchin Priory

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Sobota 9 Lipiec 2011Niedziela 10 Lipiec 2011


Hitchin Priory
Hitchin, United Kingdom

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In a nutshell, the answers to those two questions are remarkably simple – it’s about us, our local community, coming together to celebrate our diverse local and world cultures – and it’s us, people from the local community who organise it because we think it’s a good thing!
Rhythms of the World (ROTW) is a registered charity set up to support the arts in their broadest sense across North Hertfordshire, to celebrate our world culture and to give a focus for people of all ages, race, ability and economic diversity to come together.
In trendy terms it probably hits all the right boxes of ‘social cohesion’ and other such terminology, but the bottom line is that those of us involved believe that ROTW helps make a difference to our community and the way we all live together.

Występuje (71)

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