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Simple Things Festival - Bristol

Występuje Jamie xx, Anika oraz 19 wykonawców więcej w The Old Firestation + Secret Location + Start The Bus

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Niedziela 1 Maj 2011Niedziela 1 Maj 2011


The Old Firestation + Secret Location + Start The Bus
Bristol, United Kingdom

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Simple Things is a brand new one day music and visual festival presented by the people behind Colours, No Need to Shout ,Chai Wallahs, 580 Collective, Adventures in The Beetroot Field, Crack Magazine, Start the Bus, Club Cosmique and Monkey! Knife! Fight!

Situated in the heart of Bristol, the festival promises an eclectic, forward thinking lineup spread across 3 city centre venues. Taking in a huge melting pot of genres from hip hop, electronica, funk, disco, dubstep and everything in-between. The event will include 5 stages including a secret location. We’ve also teamed up with festival favorites Chai Wallahs to host one of the stages and bring you the summer festival vibes early in the year.

Występuje (21)

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27 wybrało się

6 zainteresowanych


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