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Mar 18

Syd Barrett: Art & Letters

Występuje Syd Barrett w Idea Generation Gallery

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Piątek 18 Marzec 2011Piątek 8 Kwiecień 2011


Idea Generation Gallery
11 CHANCE STREET, London, E2 7JB, United Kingdom


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Syd Barrett | Art & Letters

Private View Thursday 17th March

Exhibition Runs: 18th March – 10th April

Monday – Friday 10-6pm

Saturday and Sunday 12-5pm

Free admission

Celebrating Syd Barrett’s creative output as a visual artist, this exhibition will bring together the largest and most comprehensive collection of Syd’s personal artwork and letters to date. Revealing a lesser known side of Syd’s creativity, the original artworks will be exhibited alongside previously unseen photos of Syd and his band mates and the letters he wrote to his first loves Libby and Jenny.

Visit http://gallery.ideageneration.co.uk for more information or contact rachel.wood@ideageneration.co.uk

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