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Cze 29

Volt Fesztivál 2011'

Występuje 30 Seconds to Mars, 30Y oraz 40 wykonawców więcej w Lővér Kemping

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Środa 29 Czerwiec 2011Sobota 2 Lipiec 2011


Lővér Kemping
Pócsi-domb, Sopron, 9400, Hungary

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One of the most exciting multicultural festivals in Central Europe, expecting its guests in the middle of a fabulous forest every July. Four days long, visitors are welcome with 10 stages and approximately 200 programs: concerts, DJs, theater shows and performances.
Sopron, this medieval town on the Austrian-Hungarian border, just 60 km off Vienna, boasts both a brewery and some of the best wineries of the country. No wonder it’s home to the second biggest festival in Hungary. VOLT is not only about music though, a huge selection of restaurants, pubs, cafés and wine bars are on offer, too. But beware, once you have a taste of VOLT Festival, you’ll risking becoming a regular in Sopron.

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