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Cze 3

UppCon 2011

Występuje Olivia, Seremedy oraz Versailles w Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

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Piątek 3 Czerwiec 2011Niedziela 5 Czerwiec 2011


Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
Vaksala Torg 1, Uppsala, 753 75, Sweden

Tel: +46-(0)18-7279000


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UppCon is Swedens biggest convention for fans of asian culture! Between the 3rd and the 5th of June Uppsala Konsert and Kongress is the home for visitors from the whole of Scandinavia that enjoys asian culture. This year both Olivia and Versailles will be performing at UppCon, with the regular cosplayshows and a lot of else to do!

For more info, visit UppCon's homepage!

Versailles will be performing on Friday while Olivia will be performing on Saturday. Remember that you'll have to buy a ticket to the whole convention to get access to the shows, and that there are limited seats.

Występuje (3)

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46 wybrało się

3 zainteresowane


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