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Cze 3

Rockstad: Falun 2011

Występuje Adept, Among the Debris oraz 35 wykonawców więcej w Lugnets Skidstadion

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Piątek 3 Czerwiec 2011Sobota 4 Czerwiec 2011


Lugnets Skidstadion
Lugnetvägen 16, Falun, 791 31, Sweden


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Kup bilety


Own festival camp, bigger stages, one-day tickets, better selection of food & beverages, longer and better planned stage times for all the established bands, etc.!

Tickets are released on 27/10 at 9:00 AM Swedish time. They will be released in three different stages where those who are really fast will be able to buy an extremely cheap festival pass for only 495 SEK (SOLD OUT!), the next step will be 595 SEK and when we run out of those, the final price of a 2-day pass will be 666 SEK!

The price of a camping ticket will be 200 SEK.

The cheap passes are of course very limited, so first come first served!
1-day tickets will be released in the early spring

Występuje (37)

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39 wybrało się

4 zainteresowane


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