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Lut 4

St. Jerome's Laneway Festival 2011

Występuje !!!, Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti oraz 37 wykonawców więcej w Fortitude Valley

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Piątek 4 Luty 2011Piątek 4 Luty 2011


Fortitude Valley

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Since its inception in 2004, the St Jerome's Laneway Festival has become synonymous, as they say, with hot summer days, awesome locations and diverse, forward-thinking line-ups filled to overflowing with vital, surprising bands. Favouring cutting edge talent over mainstream success, Laneway has consistently delivered compelling, boundary-pushing acts to discerning punters and next year's event will continue that tradition.

Returning to the tree-lined streets (no-one's getting sunburnt at this festival) of Qld's heritage Alexandria St, St Jerome's Laneway Festival 2011 Brisbane will be a twilight affair.

Music lovers can check out the bands, and it is just a hop skip and jump away from the valley and the city. We will again have the stylin' local designer markets and there'll be loads of food stalls so everyone can go home sated and well-dressed.

Next year's event will also feature a stage co-programmed by our friends at The Windish Agency (Chicago) and Eat Your Own Ears (London). These two tastemakers are among the most respected in their territories and their involvement reflects both their close association with the Laneway Festival and our commitment to uncovering the freshest artists from every corner of the globe.

The Laneway Festival is pleased to announce that its association with Young Care, an organisation which works to provide choice in care and accommodation options for over 700,000 young Australians who need it. All gold coin donations made at the festival will go directly towards Young Care.

Występuje (39)

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194 wybrały się

7 zainteresowanych


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