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Lip 7

Summerfest 2011, July 7th

Występuje Acoustix, Alex Winston oraz 31 wykonawców więcej w Summerfest Grounds

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Czwartek 7 Lipiec 2011Czwartek 7 Lipiec 2011


Summerfest Grounds
200 N. Harbor Drive, Milwaukee, 53202, United States

Tel: (414) 273-2600


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SUMMERFEST 2011, June 30th - July 3rd, July 5th - July 10th!

Headliner is Katy Perry. Summerfest is an annual, 11 day music festival located on the shore of Lake Michigan at the Henry W. Meier Summerfest Grounds in Milwaukee, WI. Admission to the fest is $15 each day and includes access to acts on many different stages. Each night’s headliner plays at the Marcus Amphitheater for an additional cost (this cost does include admission to the regular festival).

Artist information will be released as it becomes available.

Występuje (33)

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41 wybrało się

11 zainteresowanych


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