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Mar 25

The ShadowDaze Weekend II

Występuje Attrition, Cheshire Cat (The Bouncing) oraz 6 wykonawców więcej w The Zoo

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Piątek 25 Marzec 2011Sobota 26 Marzec 2011


The Zoo
126 Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HL, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 273 4110

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ShadowDaze is a new gothic weekend and small scale alternative indoor festival in the UK. A platform to introduce known and unknown goth-rock, postpunk, minimal, industrial, synth-pop and electro-punk bands from all over Europe...

It is our aim to present a variety and blending of musical styles or genres within the umbrella term of "Gothic music".

The first edition of the ShadowDaze Weekend took place in Manchester the end of June 2010 and those who were there know what a great weekend it was and left, let's say.... "dazzled". For 2011 we changed city (no longer in Manchester) and venue and the second edition will be held at Penelopes in Sheffield, 53-55 Arundel Gate, S1 2PN.

The ShadowDaze Team accomplished this because we strongly believe that Goth Music is more than just Morticia Addams fashion, more than another Temple of Love;
most of all it's about being an individual and being able to express yourself.

The Gothic subculture is likely the longest surviving subculture to present day and a big part of that is the non-stop evolution of bands and styles.

In short: ShadowDaze is different with bands you maybe never have heard of (all the more reason to attend), quality music, atmosphere and party.
on MySpace

Występuje (8)

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5 wybrało się

6 zainteresowanych


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