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Cze 5

Matchitehew Assembly

Występuje Aborted Christ Childe, Air Conditioning oraz 20 wykonawców więcej w Co-Prosperity Sphere

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Piątek 5 Czerwiec 2009Sobota 6 Czerwiec 2009


Co-Prosperity Sphere
3219-21 South Morgan Street, Chicago, 60608, United States

Tel: 773.837.0145


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Matchitehew is a two day, all-ages assembly of musicians from across the nation and otherwise, slotted for
June 5th and 6th, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois.

The performances will consist of everything from traditional black metal to noise; a collection of extreme elements that encompass the spectrum of dark sound.

Matchitehew will not be accepting sponsorship or promotion from any corporate company; groundwork for the assembly is volunteer-based, and the host location is non-profit.


Występuje (22)

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31 wybrało się

4 zainteresowane


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