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Maj 17

Radiophonic Workshop @ Short Circuit

Z BBC Radiophonic Workshop oraz The BBC Radiophonic Workshop w Roundhouse

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Niedziela 17 Maj 2009 o 19:00


Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8EH, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7424 9991


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The BBC Radiophonic Workshop was founded in 1958, and closed its doors 40 years later. Throughout its life, and since its closure, it has been enormously influential on generations of musicians, with the names of composers such as Delia Derbyshire, John Baker, Brian Hodgson, Dick Mills, Paddy Kingsland and Peter Howell taking on almost legendary status.

Stlll pioneering, in 2002 four ex-members re-formed to create the soundtrack for "Generic Sci Fi Quarry", an event held over three nights in a quarry in Oxfordshire. Now, they get together again to explore Radiophonics past, present, and future. Old and new innovative electronica for a large arena combines with live performance and multimedia projections. An event not to be missed.

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