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Wrz 27

Oyster Lounge

Z Salter Cane oraz The Magic Numbers w Market Lane Garage

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Sobota 27 Wrzesień 2008 o 20:00


Market Lane Garage
Lewes, United Kingdom

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An evening of 1940's glamour, showgirls and gentlemen. A chance for you to release the burlesque performer in you and dress up in corset and feather boa or, if you prefer, put on your best vintage style evening wear, long gloves, facinators etc. Men can be as fancy as they wish - top hat and tails to dandy suits, ruffle shirts and cravats. If this sounds too much then just be smart - but bear in mind that this is not a jeans or T shirt kind of evening - there will be prizes! So start thinking about your outfit and looking forward to this night of fabulous fun.

Występuje (2)

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