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Paź 28

BBC Electric Proms

Z Edwyn Collins oraz Sam Isaac w Dingwalls

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Niedziela 28 Październik 2007


Middle Yard, Camden Lock, London, NW1 8AB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)1920 823098


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Edwyn Collins

Best known for his 1994 hit 'A Girl Like You', Edwyn Collins has earned a reputation for his intelligent song writing and satirical wit. He went solo in the eighties after leading Scottish punk outfit Orange Juice.

In 2005, Edwyn suffered two cerebral haemorrhages. He underwent successful surgery and has since been on a path of rehabilitation.

With his new album 'Home Again' which was recorded prior to his surgery, Collins has released one of the most affecting records of 2007.

His performance at the BBC Electric Proms will be his first in three years.

Sam Isaac

Sam Isaac played the BBC Introducing Stage at Glastonbury 2007 and now he will join us as part of BBC Electric Proms Introducing...

Rallying friends to help make artwork, do recording and direct music videos, Sam Isaac keeps his part of the bargain by donning an acoustic guitar and making music.

One of the hardest working artists in the UK, Sam plays anywhere. From venues across the country to many fans' living rooms, Sam is a true troubadour, boasting a gentle voice and insightful songwriting.

BBC Electric Proms
This gig is part of the BBC's Electric Proms festival which takes place across Camden on 24-28 October. Over 80 artists are performing and they've all been encouraged to create something unique for their shows.

The gigs will be broadcast across BBC TV, radio and will be online to watch at bbc.co.uk/electricproms

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