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Jennifer Gilbert Show

Z jennifer gilbert w new york

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Wtorek 2 Luty 2010 o 23:00


new york
new york, United States

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jennifer gilbert Four Tips to become an actor

In a clouded by rich Hollywood actors culture, it is easy to associate an actor with a fabulous life full of glamor. Yet, with few exceptions, this dream life is far from corresponding to reality, jennifer gilbert even if the career of an actor can be extremely rewarding and fun for the person who loves acting. If this is the passion of the game, not the money that motivates you, here's how to prepare for a career in acting.

Comedian : a craft business

The game is much more than mere imitation : it is hard work. While some are lucky enough to be born with a great talent, the vast majority of actors spend years perfecting their art. And it is not at all a bad thing. Courses, attend workshops or study full-time dramatic interpretation will hone your skills and learn new ones. jennifer gilbert You will benefit from the experience of teachers, directors and other actors. Above all, do not hesitate to multiply roles, auditioning, for example, for student films or for community theater productions .

Multiply life experiences

Like writing or other creative activities, the game has a rich jennifer gilbert experiences : it is easier to play a character in mourning, for example, if you yourself have already lost a loved one. Of course, it is not cause unhappiness, but simply to embrace the depth when it occurs. Take out a little about yourself, meet new people, discover new things. You will earn experience and discover new perspectives that you will benefit in your future roles.

Put your finances in order

We said that the acting career is generally unprofitable. Properly manage its budget so here its importance ! Most roles are concentrated in large cities. If you do not already live there, jennifer gilbert you will probably be shocked to discover the cost of living. Make sure you build a safety net : make a loan, live with roommates in an affordable apartment, find yourself a part-time job - do what it takes to survive.

Do not be afraid to work

Most actors must divide their time between perfecting their art, play, work part time and find and audition. Time you probably missed to maintain a social life. "To succeed in this field, you must really want, to commit to the bottom, and work to make it work ," says the actress jennifer gilbert. "There will be a lot of sacrifices to do"

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