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Cze 5

Neon Neon : Praxis Makes Perfect

Z Neon Neon w Village Underground

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Środa 5 Czerwiec 2013 o 20:00


Village Underground
54 Holywell Lane, London, EC2A 3PQ, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7422 7505


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Neon Neon, the band of Super Furry Animals’ singer Gruff Rhys and LA-based producer Boom Bip, and National Theatre Wales have created a biographical show entitled Praxis Makes Perfect, which will also have a life as a concept album of the same title (out on Lex Records on 29 April 2013).

Praxis Makes Perfect is based on and inspired by the remarkable life and times of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Born into one of Italy’s wealthiest families, Feltrinelli was a left-wing political activist who published some of the greatest literary works of the 20th century, including The Leopard and Doctor Zhivago. Feltrinelli died in highly suspicious circumstances in 1972.

For the show, Gruff Rhys and Boom Bip have teamed up with playwright Tim Price, director Wils Wilson and National Theatre Wales to create an immersive theatrical experience to tell this amazing story in what promises to be a memorable live event.

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