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Wrz 28

José Mercé at 7th Annual Bay Area Flamenco Festival: Festival Flamenco Gitano


Z José Mercé oraz Diego Del Morao w Palace Of Fine Arts Theatre

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Piątek 28 Wrzesień 2012 o 20:00


Palace Of Fine Arts Theatre
3301 Lyon St., 94123, United States

Tel: (415) 563-6504


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JOSE MERCE, 4-Time Latin Grammy Nominee, Direct from Spain!
Friday, September 28th, 8pm
The Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
Tickets & Information: http://bayareaflamenco.org/artists/jose-merce/

With multiple Latin Grammy nominations and over 600,000 records sold in the last 15 years, Jose Merce is one of Spain's most celebrated performing artists. His flamenco versions of Latin American and Spanish topical songs such as "Te recuerdo, Amanda" by Chilean singer/songwriter Victor Jara; "Clandestino" by Manu Chao and "Al Alba" by Luis Eduardo Aute, defy all borders, taking flamenco to a broader audience. And his flamenco canciones such as "Del Amanecer" and "Aire" have become anthems for music fans across Europe. The latest addition to his extensive discography, "Mi única clave" produced by Javier Limón, will be released on Blue Note EMI in the fall of 2012.

" energetic to the max, with unique, magnificent voice.” -Flamenco-World

"He reaches the sublime heights, delivering the kind of singing fans are desperately hungry for." -deflamenco

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