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Niedziela 28 Październik 2012 o 20:00


House of Blues
1530 S. Disneyland Dr., Anaheim, 92802, United States

Tel: 714.778.BLUE


Pokaż na mapie

Kup bilety


Limited seating available, for pricing and availability please call the box office directly at 714-778-BLUE(2583).

Tickets go on sale August 30th at 12 pm. This is an all ages show. Anyone age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old with a valid state I.D. For more information please call the Box Office at 714.778.BLUE (2583).
All tickets are subject to applicable fees.

Camera Policy

Small personal cameras are allowed in the venue. Commercial photography, flash photography, professional cameras and recording devices are not permitted.

Additional Info:
• tickets subject to all applicable facility fees and service charges
• applicable fees and charges apply to all ticket sales

Występuje (1)

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1 wybrała się


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