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Lis 3

Gandalf & Art Of Infinity

Z ART OF INFINITY oraz Gandalf w Planetarium Bochum

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Sobota 3 Listopad 2012 o 20:00


Planetarium Bochum
Bochum, Germany

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ART OF INFINITY – Live at Planetarium Bochum, November 3rd 2012: The German electronic duo ART OF INFINITY stands for over 10 years of sophisticated studio productions. In Planetarium Bochum ART OF INFINITY will make their stage debut. The two musicians Thorsten Sudler-Mainz (keys, vocals) and Thorsten Rentsch (keys, guitar and percussion) cooperate again with the most different guest musicians and singers on their fourth album "Raumwerk" (release 2012). Apart from compositions from the first three albums the main focus of the concert program in Bochum will be on the new release. In addition to keyboard player and guitarist Matthias Krauss further surprise guests will be on stage under the starry sky. The fascinating combination of Ambient, Art rock and Pop is ART OF INFINITY’s unmistakable trademark.

Tickets: www.planetarium-bochum.de

A new live concert video trailer for the event at the planetary in Bochum including music from the upcoming album "Raumwerk" (to be released in autumn 2012) is now online on youtube:

Trailer: http://youtu.be/b8S85lx98Tw

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