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Wrz 22

Joe Louis Walker

Z Joe Louis Walker w FTC on StageOne

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Sobota 22 Wrzesień 2012 o 19:30


FTC on StageOne
70 Sanford Street, Fairfield, 06824, United States

Tel: 203-319-1404


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Boundary-pushing blues rocker Joe Louis Walker is a modern and legendary blues icon. He can play guitar and that's the truth. The Chicago-based blues singer has been a presence on that city's music scene for decades now, a musician with serious guitar chops as well as a gospel-tinged and soul-infused megaphone of a voice. Never a purist, Walker is unafraid to incorporate plenty of rock and roll and even a little funk into his arrangements. He can deliver gutbucket blues, joyous gospel, Rolling Stones-style rock crunch, and aching R&B.

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