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Wrz 15

Bootie NYC, Anti-Back to School Mashup Party

Z DJ A plus D w (le) poisson rouge

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Sobota 15 Wrzesień 2012 o 23:00


(le) poisson rouge
158 Bleecker Street, New York, 10012, United States

Tel: 212-505-FISH


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Bootie NYC, Anti-Back to School Mashup Party
w/ DJs A Plus D and more

Launched in 2003 in San Francisco by A Plus D, Bootie was the first club night dedicated solely to the burgeoning artform of the bootleg mashup -- and is now the biggest mashup event in the world, with regular parties in several cities on four continents, from New York to Hong Kong, Berlin to Rio. Voted "Best Club Night" for the past seven years, Bootie keeps your brain guessing and body dancing with creative song combinations, mixing and matching every musical genre, era, and style into one big dance party. Providing the soundtrack for the A.D.D. generation -- and free mashup CDs given away like candy -- it's a place where everyone is welcome.


11pm // 21+

Early Bird $10
GA $15
Door $20

For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit http://www.lepoissonrouge.com/events/view/3558

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