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Paź 24

Henry Rollins: "Capitalism" Tour

Z Henry Rollins w Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts

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Środa 24 Październik 2012 o 19:30


Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts
222 Market St, Harrisburg, PA, 17101, United States

Tel: 717-214-ARTS


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HENRY ROLLINS hits the campaign trail this fall for a two-month tour hitting all 50 state capitals – starting September 6 at Hawaiian Brian’s in Honolulu, HI – and wrapping up on the eve of the Presidential election at the 9:30 Club in the nation’s capital. Titled Capitalism, Henry’s latest talking tour offers not so much a voting guide as an outside viewpoint – and an unflinching quest for truth that’s sadly lacking in the profit-driven American mass media

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