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Wrz 22

Rowf! Rowf! Rowf!

Z MV & EE oraz Amen Dunes w Islington Mill

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Sobota 22 Wrzesień 2012 o 15:00


Islington Mill
James Street, Salford, M3 5HW, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)7947-649896


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After a hiatus of more than two years, the epic Rowf! Rowf! Rowf! return for an all day festival of celebratory, exploratory and ecstatic music. Featuring a cinematic set from MV& EE WITH THE HOME COMFORT SOUND SYSTEM (Woodsist/Ecstatic Peace!). Blending and bending acoustic folk jams with rock and psych, the Vermont-based couple of Matt 'MV' Valentine and Erika 'EE' Elder graze upon the fields laid by The Grateful Dead and Gene Clark and swim in the depths with Loren Connors and The Dead C. They have created a body of work that has warmed many a soul through nigh on 200 releases and thousands of live shows. Also playing at the all day festival are Brooklyn based Amen Dunes, The Taco Bells, Mik Quantius, Dagora the superbly Sly & The Family Drone, Roman Nose and LOADS more.

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