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Lip 19

Live From Beyond Hell / Above Heaven Tour

Z Volbeat, Hellyeah oraz Iced Earth w Rams Head Live!

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Czwartek 19 Lipiec 2012 o 19:00


Rams Head Live!
20 Market Place, Baltimore, 21202, United States

Tel: (410) 244-1131


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"Volbeat are sick and tired of music purists wagging their finger at them. They refuse to be confined to the pigeonhole of a specific genre but throw off all fetters intended to keep them on the ground. This thoroughly honest attitude has made the four musicians from Denmark one of the
hottest acts on the rock scene. If you were to draw a picture of Volbeat’s sound, it would feature Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Metallica – all of them peacefully united, cool drink in hand. Metal powerhouse supergroup HELLYEAH joins the show to make this a truly epic night not to miss."

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