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Wrz 22

Efterklang and the Wordless Music Orchestra

Z Efterklang oraz Wordless Music Orchestra w The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Sobota 22 Wrzesień 2012 o 19:00


The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 5th Ave, New York, 10028, United States

Tel: 212-5703949


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With the success of the Sydney show, Efterklang will perform as an augmented six-piece including Budgie. In the UK, orchestra Northern Sinfonia will join the band as well. No tour of North America has been announced yet, but one is promised for 2013. Meanwhile Efterklang will visit NYC to play The Metropolitan Museum of Art on September 22 with the Wordless Music Orchestra and guest conductor Matthew Coorey, with arrangements by Missy Mazzoli (Kronos Quartet, Victoire), Karsten Fundal (Under Byen, Oh Land), and Daníel Bjarnason (Sigur Rós, Múm).

For this special concert, Efterklang (Mads Brauer, Casper Clausen, Rasmus Stolberg) will perform as a six-piece, augmented by Peter Broderick (piano), Katinka Fogh Vindelev (choir), and special guest Budgie (drums).

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