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Cze 29

Soul:ution ft. DJ Storm + DJ Randall + Marcus Intalex + MC DRS

Z DJ Storm, DJ Randall oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Band on the Wall

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Piątek 29 Czerwiec 2012 o 23:00


Band on the Wall
25 Swan Street, The Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 5JZ, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 834 1786


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Monthly liquid drum and bass residency ft. DJ Storm and the original junglist DJ Randall alongside Soul:ution residents Marcus Intalex and MC DRS.

Often called the First Lady of Drum & Bass, Storm has always been considered one of the finest DJs in the industry, known for her supreme mixing ability and second-to-none selections. Storm is one of the main selectors in the prestigious Metalheadz label.

DJ Randall is one of the true original junglists - considered true drum & bass royalty and boss of the Mac II label, as well as establised resident at DJ Friction's Shogon Audio.

All this plus of course Marcus Intalex and MC DRS right through til 3am.

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