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Cze 16

Friends´ Block Party/BBQ

Z Young Hare, ampl:tude oraz 4 wykonawców więcej w Schokoladen

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Sobota 16 Czerwiec 2012 o 17:00


Ackerstr. 169/170, Berlin, 10115, Germany

Tel: +49-(0)30-2826527


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M:SOUNDTRACK @ SCHOKOLADEN::: SUMMER kick off with a Mini Fest for and with friends (im Schoko) w/ Amigos :::

mOck (bln) + The Dropout Patrol (bln) + Young Hare (frankfort) + Sissters (bln) + Ampl:tude (bln) + Petula

+ Vegan BBQ from 4 p.m. - Concert BEGINN__ 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. with ((6)) acts for (((5))) euro. and some kinda party party afterwards !

mOck (bln) // deliver an intricate brand of post-whatever, toying with the conventions of punk rock, of indie rock, of various, yet specific, underground sounds. As precise as they are playful, they unfurl their patterns gracefully, one puzzle piece at a time, capturing you in the most clever way, then letting you go just to repeat the ensnarement ad infinitum. mOck are releasing their debut full length, mixed by John McEntire (Tortoise), in february 2012, offering the style of oblique smart rock which they know best. keep your eyes and ears peeled, because every moment is a waking one, every beat is a gesture, every note is a delicately placed object, and mOck promises much for the future of their niche and beyond.

The Dropout Patrol (bln) // is a band from berlin, it is made up of jana, kristof, stefan, kalle and varying guests. It´s been jana´s solo project for 10 years, but slowly evolved into a full band. the debut full length is recorded and will be out in late august on Altin Village + Exotic Fever Records (vinyl) and Kumpels&Friends (CD). the dropout patrol play rusty, diverse sadrock not unlike early cat power, karate or a more mellow des ark

Ampl:tude (bln) // are a fourheaded foursome from Berlin somewhere between Neu(notNow)kölln and Pankow, building analog electronic live music. They have hidden stories and histories inbetween beats and synthie saw. Their intertext pool conceals its tricky shallows under a pretty clarity. And neither the lack of neon signs, nor the absence of a monstrous sense of mission makes them less treacherous. And then and yet, again and again, Ampl:tude are the nice and friendly puzzle band, the Lone Gunmen in their common-time-boat, coming to pull you out of the sea of references by your hair, and to send you off to the dance floor with a friendly pat. Their songs are space trip impressions, new inventions and by-products of world domination research.

Petula // is a solo project of Sn Cleemann (Ex-Kate Mosh, Ex-Sdnmt, Jn Fischer Erf). It's about loop tectonics, honey-y melody and the occasional clicky beat. It's all action, drama, beauty - it's all well buried under layers'n'layers of microsound.

Young Hare (Frankfurt) // sind zu zweit. Marc & Phil sind musikalisch miteinander groß geworden und nun geht es mit dem neuen Projekt ganz schnell: YH's musik oszilliert irgendwo zwischen dreampop, post-punk, tropical und kraut. 'bringing summer back' ähnlich wie washed out oder wild nothing zaubern sie sofort erinnerungen an sonnige tage hervor, und dann kommen noch die justin timberlake Momente... Nach einem wunderbaren, schnell ausverkauften Tape haben sie nun auf unbreakmyheart, einem jungen frankfurter diy label, ihre ep veröffentlicht, young hare haben einen louis vuitton koffer mit gitarre, synths, mpc, maracas und shakern im gepäck und spielten u.a. schon konzerte mit pttrns, gay beast, polite sleeper, french films und future islands. gettin’ jiggy with it!

SISSTERS (bln) // shifting between loud and quiet, SISSTERS sound fragile and emotional yet also angry and abrasive. Even though traditional song structures tend to be taken apart and dissolved, the duo still achieves reconciliation in their songs. Building on a foundation of stripped down to-the-point drums, the guitar, while being rhyth- mically complex, comes across as hectic, making it a perfect match for the often hysterical vocals. They sounds honestly enraged but at the same time fragile and vulnerable. Punk at heart and living a queer lifestyle, SISSTERS cannot be narrowed down to one of these aspects. Their music takes up elements of punk, rock and noise, delivering the mix in a sound that brings to mind 60s garage music. Not trying to fit any prefabricated genre formula, SISSTERS just take what they need and run with it. Finding bands to compare their music to is not easy. Ex-Models have been mentioned, Shellac and early Birthday Party, too. But none of these references will really give you too much of an idea of what SISSTERS actually sound like.


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