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Czwartek 21 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:00


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41-43 Hampton Street, Birmingham, B19 3LS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 121 233 1109


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Malevolent Creation + Anaal Nathrakh

Sirius promotions are massively excited to announce a gig with US Death Metallers


Fired straight out of the cannon's muzzle, this is caustic U.S. Death Metal pointed at your face ready to blast you into a bloody pulp. MALEVOLENT CREATION started their career in 1987 in Buffalo, NY, where they recorded and distributed their first demo. A third dem brought MALEVOLENT CREATION a record deal with Roadrunner and the first full-length album titled The Ten Commandments, considered by many to be one of the strongest Death Metal debut albums.

The bestial terror from Florida went on to release killer records like The Fine Art Of Murder and Envenomed, followed by releasing one of their biggest milestones thus far, The Will To Kill. Bulldozing sounds and an inhuman voice threw a sonic punch to the stomach and a delicate deadly neckbreaker to the metal world.

Anaal Nathrakh

Us being us, we’re also attempting to get a great co-headliner, ensuring every second of the show !

‘Fortune Favours the Bold’ – A personal note from Sirius

In terms of what we need to achieve for this gig, it’s a greater undertaking than we’ve chosen before. We’ve decided, however, to take the plunge and at least attempt one such gig this year. It is a step up in terms of ticket price, BUT, we’re going to ensure that this line up is killer, and is worth it; even with these quality bands we’re keeping it as low as is humanly possible!

Tickets at: www.siriuspromotions.bigcartel.com
£10 adv, £13 otd

Weekend Ticket £13 Adv-

Combined entrance to Death by Metal June 23rd & Malevolent Creation & Anaal Nathrakh

DEATH BY METAL - feat. Desecration, Condemned (US), Unbreakable Hatred (CAN), Regurgitate Life, Amagortis (CH) tbc, Kataleptic, Hellsworn

(http://www.facebook.com/events/411429688868486/ - £5 Adv, £7 otd)

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