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Cze 13

Doc/Fest Live: From The Sea to the Land Beyond

Z British Sea Power w The Crucible Theatre

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Środa 13 Czerwiec 2012 o 18:00


The Crucible Theatre
Sheffield, United Kingdom

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Join British Sea Power for the live cinema experience of the year at
Sheffield Doc/Fest.

Factories and furnaces.
Piers and pavilions.
Seaports and remote Scottish isles.
Fishing villages and fairs.

Made from over 100 years of BFI archive footage, award-winning director
Penny Woolcock’s film is a portrait of our unique coastline and the role it plays
in our lives – during wartime, on our holidays and as a hive of activity during the industrial age.
British Sea Power will captain this cinematic voyage with their first ever
performance of an original composition of score rich in the imagination,
epic power and range of which they are renowned.

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