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Cze 11

Gregory Porter

Z Gregory Porter w Band on the Wall

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Poniedziałek 11 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:30


Band on the Wall
25 Swan Street, The Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 5JZ, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 834 1786


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Band on the Wall presents the first of two concerts by the internationally-acclaimed, Grammy-nominated jazz and soul singer.

"Gregory is the real deal and a revelation in terms of new male jazz singers, but I think that his voice coupled with his songwriting may be the thing that leaves most listeners with their mouths open....Gregory is the first that I’m hearing that is squarely coming out of a real classic soul bag (i.e. Bill Withers, Curtis Mayfield, Donny Hathaway) as a songwriter, but with both feet firmly planted in jazz’s soil." Brian Bacchus

Support tonight comes from the precocious Manchester-based singer songwriter Ruby Ann Patterson.

A Band on the Wall Fundraiser Event

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