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Meltdown Festival 2012 : Laurie Anderson presents Dirtday!

Z Laurie Anderson w Royal Festival Hall

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Piątek 3 Sierpień 2012 o 20:00


Royal Festival Hall
Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London, SE1 8XX, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7960 4200


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Hugely influential electronic music producer and performer Laurie Anderson, presents her new show Dirtday!

Part of Antony's Meltdown August 2012.

Anderson's pioneering and perennial methods in electronic music production are still applied by contemporary producers, and she has invented a number of instruments and devices to use in her music.

Dirtday! sees Anderson present her views on politics, theories of evolution, families, history, and even animals. Set against a detailed and lush sonic landscape, the powerful and soulful collection of songs and stories create a unique picture, a hallucinatory world made of dreams and reality.

The third and last in her series of solo story works, which includes Happiness and The End of the Moon, Dirtday! is the culmination of Anderson's ground breaking work in this genre.
Laurie Anderson

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