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Maj 26

Fact Ldn: Cristian Varela / Jon Rundell / Funk D Void / Chymera + More

Z Cristian Varela, Chymera oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Egg

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Sobota 26 Maj 2012 o 22:00


200 York Way, London, N7 9AP, United Kingdom

Tel: 0872 148 2733


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Hosting special events around the world showcasing the globes top underground talents and brands that include Minus, Moonharbour, Flying Circus and many more, they also hold down two summer residencies at Space/Ibiza and Discotheque/Barcelona...

Following on from the fantastic FACT LDN opening party with Timo Maas, May 26th hosts part #2 - and it's a big one... Very special guests Cristian Varela, Funk D'Void, Chymera - Live & Jon Rundell take centre stage alongside the Barcelona/London/Italian family of Antonio de Angelis, Arnaud Le Texier, Rossko, Roberto Martin, plus the Ck Family collective, Lucio&Pep, Joseph Petrin, Lucio Malatoid & Diego cK Family.
Full info and final guest announcements to follow very soon...

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