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Cze 30

yOyOyO 90s Jam with Doc Martin

Z Doc Martin, Robert Owens (live) oraz The Martinez Brothers w Secret Hoxton Warehouse

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Sobota 30 Czerwiec 2012 o 22:00


Secret Hoxton Warehouse
London, United Kingdom

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Location - TBA
10pm - 6am

Back in the day when we was teenagers, before we had status and before we had pagers, you could find these ravers, dancing to house music, our pops' used to say it was just our way to lose it.

That's right, Yo 90s Dance Jam, The Rave Edition is back in full effect for all you london nuttahs. This time the line up is once again stacked to the brim with enough dopeness to make you say "word to yo mutha"!

Headlining and repping San Frandisco is the one and only Doc Martin who will no doubt prove once more why he earned his title as a 90s house boss! Our friend until the end, Robert Owens will also be in full effect with a very special live PA of all his 90's hits, and as if we didn't have enough talent, our Martinez Brothers from other mothers will be bringing pushing that 90s flavour into the future.

Finally, yours truly, the Yo 90s Jam residents will be bringing it all together... we can't tell you who we are but we trust you should know by now ;)

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