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Niedziela 3 Czerwiec 2012 o 16:00


618 W. 46th St, New York, 10036, United States

Tel: 212-209-7500


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Sunday June 3rd
Pacha NYC & RPM proudly present...

@ Beekman Beach Club
(South Street Seaport NYC)
along with
Alex English
Hellfire Machina
Nick Catchdubs
Sazon Booya

General Admission $40

Doors open 4pm-12am
18+ to enter / 21+ to drink
Infoline: 1-888-497-7075


NB: Due to circumstances beyond the artists and promoters control, this event has been moved to The Beekman Beach Club at The South Street Seaport in NYC.
We are very excited about moving to the seaport, a great outdoor venue which offers spectacular views of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan.

For those of you who have bought tickets, we will honor your purchase at The Beekman Beach Club.
If you have purchased a ticket including return ferry, you have already been automatically refunded the extra $8.

You do not need to contact us or your bank and you should expect to receive the amount in your account within the next 3 -5 working days.

We deeply regret the disruption this puts in your plans, and we want to thank you all for your understanding.

Występuje (5)

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1 wybrała się

3 zainteresowane


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