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Lip 14

Peanut Butter and Jams welcomes Lunch Money

Z Lunch Money w World Cafe Live at the Queen

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Sobota 14 Lipiec 2012 o 11:30


World Cafe Live at the Queen
500 North Market St., Wilmington, DE, 19801, United States


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Lunch Money brings the indie-rock experience to family audiences with an energetic salute to the stuff of childhood: roller coasters, giant cookies and getting dizzy. This trio "artfully treads the line between alt-kids and just plain alternative" and this year their song "It Only Takes One Night to Make a Balloon Your Friend" topped the charts on XM/Sirius children's radio. The band delivers a high-energy show that aims to get children and their parents dancing, thinking and laughing.
Lunch Money began in 2003 when singer/guitarist Molly Ledford (The Verna Cannon - Cargo/Headhunter) decided to try her hand at bringing the live music experience to young audiences. She enlisted fellow Verna Cannon bandmate Jay Barry (drums) and multi-instrumentalist J.P. Stephens (bass, mandolin, harmonica) to form Lunch Money, the name chosen to honor that first taste of childhood independence and power. Focusing her writing, which had been described as "full of memories left in a shoebox in the dusty corners of your brain" (Spin.com), on the stuff of childhood, Molly soon accumulated a new catalog of songs about such things as wishing for a pet dog, getting up the nerve to ride a roller coaster, and twirling around in rain and sun beneath an umbrella.

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