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Paź 11

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Z Godspeed You! Black Emperor oraz Total Life w Granada Theater

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Czwartek 11 Październik 2012 o 19:00


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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THE STORY THUS FAR: ....hungover it’s awful, the sound of trains collapsing back behind here; outside there are distant birds circling in front of 7 miles of heavy cloud falling down, &from where you’re lying one of those clouds looks like a hanged man leading a blind, indifferent horse…THIS IS MILE END MY FRIEND, the hollowed out ruins here &a train runs straight thru them… we made a record here in mile End, at the mighty Mxx HOTEL2TANGO, where lonesome trains ramble thru the backyard while the wind plays in the trees where nervous birds hide from a dog named wanda, a kat named lu… 16 rented tracks moving 7.5 inches per second onto ampex456 W/OUT ANY KEYBOARDS, while don& ian rode the faders, tired-eyed&stoic… the whole thing recorded under threat of great threat on a 1933 stahltonbahnd maschine… IT ALL HAPPENED IN MAY; winter was just starting to fade then, and the money hadn’t run out yet… 6 months later:we record two songs w/chemical daryl at chemical sound; broke again, john gives us free tape,&brian plays some trumpet there… w/daryl we remix the old stuff too, &then we sequence the record up the street w/rod at mile end studio… mark helps us pretty the package and we put thing to bed & try to carry on… we’ve been plowing our little field up here for a couple of years now, but the yard is still filled w/rocks&dust&n&sick trees… SO we bide our time, waiting for a purer kick to bloom… &the future is still bleak, uncertain and beautiful… &the van is gassed but the pistons are cracked,and when we close our eyes alls we can see is: open road, telephone poles, a sun that is always setting, and a tangled up melody falling down slowly… O.K.GOODBYExoxoxoLOVEGODSPEEDYOUBLACKEMPEROR! mILE eND MONTREALQUEBECCANADAxoxoxox…........................

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