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Cze 6

Blitzen Trapper

Z Blitzen Trapper w Pappy & Harriet's

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Środa 6 Czerwiec 2012 o 21:00


Pappy & Harriet's
53688 Pioneertown Road, Pioneertown, CA, 92268, United States

Tel: +1-(760)-365-5956


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CLUB MERCY presents BLITZEN TRAPPER! $13 advance / $15 at the door! all ages
June 6, 2012


Tickets are $13 advance / $15 at the door
all ages

It’s us letting our loves, our early influences hang out for all to see.
Entering into the sounds we grew up with, the hard guitar rock and
country picking of our younger years mixes with glimmers of our usual
space-aging technology and pawn shop Casio aplomb. Heavy guitar riffs
and blasting drum fills live side-by-side with plucking banjos, wailing
harmonicas and muddy slide guitars that make you want to shotgun a beer
in the shower while listening to the Stones or Joe Walsh. It’s also our
first foray into direct, outside influence in the creation of a record.
It’s me letting go in a certain way. Tchad Blake (who has also worked
with bands like The Black Keys, Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, and The
Pretenders) came in to mix the album, and my good friend Gregg Williams
co-produced all these tracks.


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