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Cze 9

Jon Snodgrass, Cory Branan & guests in Leeds

Z Jon Snodgrass, Cory Branan oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Fox & Newt

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Sobota 9 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:30


Fox & Newt
9 Burley St, Leeds, LS3 1LD, United Kingdom

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WYSAS presents

Jon Snodgrass

Jon is a fantastic, versatile singer / songwriter from Colorado, USA. His musical ventures over the years include country rock superstars Drag the River, the seminal pop punk band Armchair Martian and countless collaborations with the likes of Stephen Egerton and some bloke called Frank Turner. We can't wait to have him back in Leeds.

Cory Branan

Cory is one of the latest acts to be included on Chuck Ragan's now legendary Revival Tour. Think of a young, good looking Steve Earle with the songwriting know-how of a young, good looking Paul Simon. I just hope he gets let into the country this time! http://corybranan.com/

Helen Chambers & Jimmy Islip

Think Shane & Kirsty or Beauty & the Beast. Helen and Jimmy will play a mixture of their own songs, expect harmonies, mandolins and beer.

Now with special guest Sam Russo!

£6 on the door. Doors at 7.30pm prompt. Jon SnodgrassSam RussoJimmy IslipCory Branan

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