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Cze 4

Michael Gallant Trio at the Underground Lounge

Z Michael Gallant w The Underground Lounge

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Poniedziałek 4 Czerwiec 2012 o 21:00


The Underground Lounge
955 West End Ave, New York, 10025, United States

Tel: (212) 531-4759


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“Man, you can play. You’re just as crazy as I am!” - Herbie Hancock, after jamming with Michael Gallant on piano.

Monday, June 4, 2012
The Underground Lounge - 955 West End Avenue @ 107th St., NYC
$5 suggested donation

Michael Gallant is a New York-based pianist, songwriter, producer, and composer who has created soundtracks for live theatre productions and the world’s first interactive iPad graphic novel, entitled “Operation Ajax.” As a music journalist, he writes for DownBeat, Keyboard, and the National Endowment for the Arts, and has interviewed artists ranging from Billy Joel and Justin Timberlake to Dave Brubeck and Tori Amos. The Michael Gallant Trio performs at the Underground Lounge on the first Monday of every month.


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