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Was Ist Das? and Hibernate present

Z Bridget Hayden, Michael Flower oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Trades Club

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Sobota 2 Czerwiec 2012 o 20:00


Trades Club
Holme Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EE, United Kingdom

Tel: 01422 845 265


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Unfortunately, Charalambides are unable to make this show. Tom Carter has been admitted to hospital in Berlin with pneumonia.

However, the show will go on we will be giving all profits to Charalambides to help them with the expenses and loss of earnings this will have incurred. We're also dropping the ticket price to £6/£5. Full or part refunds available to existing ticket holders.

Stepping into the breach are Neil Campbell & Michael Flower duo. Former Vibracathedral colleagues, Neil now records solo as Astral Social Club and Mick records with all sorts of acts including Sunburned Hand of the Man, Chris Corsano (they play as a duo together) and MVⅇ, to name but a few.

Padang Food Tigers are an experimental folk duo consisting of 2/3 of the band Rameses III. With esteemed champions such as David Tibet of Current 93 and likened to Ry Cooder’s soundtrack for “Paris, Texas”, they have made quite a stir in the capital.

Bridget Hayden made her name with underground heroes Vibracathedral Orchestra. Nowadays she has been playing in The Telescopes and putting out some equally blinding solo releases.

Tickets on sale from venue, Jumbo Records and www.wegottickets.com

DJ sets from Was Ist Das Soundsystem & Jonathan Lees

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