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Maj 3

In-Store: Mystery Jets (Acoustic)

Z Mystery Jets w Banquet Records

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Czwartek 3 Maj 2012 o 18:00


Banquet Records
52 Eden Street, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 1EE, United Kingdom

Tel: 020 8549 5871


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Oh yes! Long time Banquet faves Mystery Jets are back for another instore. Rad (lands)

The week their new album Radlands is released, and ahead of their show at New Slang that night, the band come back to the shop to play an acoustic set. They're really good at these stripped down gigs. Don't miss out.

Instore tickets are necessary and available at Banquet staff's discretion. Come into the shop and ask for one or order with the new album online now!

6pm start with All Ages Welcome. In-store Grade A.

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