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Mar 2

No Go Die presents CUT CHEMIST

Z Cut Chemist w Yugong Yishan

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Piątek 2 Marzec 2012 o 23:00


Yugong Yishan
Zhang Zi Zhong Lu 3号, Beijing, China

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Best known as founding member of and producer for the legendary hiphop group Jurassic 5, Cut Chemist is a an influential force in world music. Prior to cutting his first solo LP, The Audience’s Listening, Cut Chemist collaborated with DJ Shadow, cutting and juggling a crate of original funk 45s to produce one of the world’s most sought after mix CDs, Brainfreeze.

He now brings his wizardry to Beijing, adding to his repertoire a breathtaking live set. Using just one turntable, a mixer, a loop pedal and all original vinyl, Cut will blend Ethiopian, Colombian, Sudanese and AfroBrazilian sounds, making the crowd remember that hip hop culture is indeed rooted in Africa.

A truly special sound for the No Go Die massive.

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