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Maj 18

Last.fm Live In NYC: Vacationer, Magic Wands, Body Language (DJ)

Z Vacationer, Body Language oraz Magic Wands w The Studio at Webster Hall

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Piątek 18 Maj 2012 o 21:00


The Studio at Webster Hall
125 East 11th Street, New York, NY, 10003, United States


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As summer approaches, so Last.fm Live In NYC abides. In partnership with Internet Week NY, we welcome the shift in seasons with a line up of the warmest beach-ready acts from our Hype Charts for a show at the Studio at Webster Hall on May 18th.

Vacationer have caused waves with their debut album Trip (Downtown Records) and two tours with Asteroid Galaxy Tour and Tennis. Trip, a record for daydreamers and sun-soaked activities, triggers escape fantasies, abandoning the 9-5 tribulations for a plane ticket to Somewhere Else - that imagined place we find ourselves during the happiest dreams.

Support comes from Magic Wands & a special DJ set from Body Language.

UPDATE: Last.fm Live In NYC is giving away a 1-month premium subscription to Last.fm for free to a handful of pre-sale ticket buyers. Purchase advance tickets to the show here and your email will automatically be entered into our contest!

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