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W Northcote Social Club

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Wtorek 1 Maj 2012 o 20:00


Northcote Social Club
301 High Street, Melbourne, 3070, Australia

Tel: +61-(0)3-9489 3917


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Already confirmed to support City and Colour on their national tour this coming May, Chugg Entertainment are thrilled to announce that fellow Canadian, Bahamas, will perform this headline show of his own. Bahamas is the musical pseudonym of Toronto-based singer-songwriter-guitarist Afie Jurvanen, whose disarmingly forthright, captivatingly melodic songs have already earned him both a devoted fan base and a significant amount of critical acclaim. On the second Bahamas album ‘Barchords’, the determined, down-to-earth tunesmith delivers a beautifully bittersweet, infectiously uplifting record with insightful lyrics, rousing melodies and raw, intimate performances.

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